ielst academic-general

تفاوت آزمون های آکادمیک و جنرال

اگر شما هم قصد شرکت در آزمون های آزمایشی و آزمون اصلی آیلتس را دارید، حتما تاکنون نام های آزمون های آکادمیک و جنرال آیلتس را شنیده اید … در ویدئوی زیر به صورت کامل تفاوت آزمون های آیلتس آکادمیک (Academic) و جنرال (General) شرح ... ادامه مطلب
Pull Strings

Pull Strings

Pull Stringsپارتی بازی کردن Example and description: + Francis pulled strings to get him out of trouble.+ Samuels pulled strings to get her daughter a job in Mitchell’s office.+ make use of one’s influence and contacts to gain an advantage unofficially or unfairly. “he tried ... ادامه مطلب

عبارت likewise

likewise likewise = similarly Iran is heavily dependent on its oil industry. Likewise, Iraq’s economy relies on its natural resources. I put on my life jacket and told the children to do likewise. In the same way,In a similar vein, ... ادامه مطلب
Take advantage of

عبارت Take advantage of

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF This can have both a positive and a negative meaning, but in both it simply means to take an opportunity. When its positive, its taking an opportunity, usually financial, that benefits everyone. When its negative, it means to take an opportunity, but ... ادامه مطلب