Plural or singular

An important difference between American and British English is the way they treat collective nouns

Take a look at the following examples :

A) British English: The staff (are) taking the days off

B) British English: the Committee (are) making the decision today

اسامی جمع در انگلیسی بریتانیایی با فعل جمع می‌آید.

As you see, British English usually treats collective nouns as plural nouns while American English almost always uses the singular subject_verb agreement with collective nouns

A) American English: the staff (is) taking the day off.

B) American English: The committee (is) making the decision today

در حالیکه در انگلیسی آمریکایی اسامی جمع با فعل مفرد همراه هستند.

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